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Development of flood protection infrastructure on Körös river basin (KÖRÖSINFRA)
Start date: Dec 31, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objective of the project is the development and modernisation of the flood protection infrastructure on Körös river basin. The following developments are planned within the project by Lead Partner and Project Partner: - reconstruction of dike keeper lodge in Csíkér (LP) - repairing of dike keeper house in Sarkad-Sitka (LP) - windows replacement of dike keeper house in Szanazug, repairing of control centre room (LP) - reconstruction of dike keeper lodge in Somonta (PP) - procuring of new automatic measurement station (PP) - provisioning the interface connector to electrical energy (PP) - road access modernization to the dike keeper house (PP) The target group is represented by: the inhabitants of Körös river basin (99 367 persons from Gyula, 32 132 persons from Remete, 147 962 persons from Békés, 88 741 persons from Sarkad, 48 755 persons from Nagy Sárrét, 4 757 persons from Polter), Self governments (30), the agricultural institutions and farmers done action on exempted area (3 334), the professionals and institutions working in Hungarian-Romanian common flood protection (KÖVIZIG, ABAC, Institution of disaster, Military arms, and other civil organs organized volunteer base). Expected Results: Among the project results: 261 427 ha of floodplains rehabilitated, 1 joint monitoring systems established, 1 river/catchments rehabilitated.

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  • 85%   510 000,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Romania (HU-RO)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants