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Development of Electrochemical Peptide Nanosensors for protein and antibody detection (PEPTIDE NANOSENSORS)
Start date: May 1, 2012, End date: Apr 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overriding goal of the proposed research program is the development of novel reagentless, electrochemical peptide based sensors for the detection of multiple diagnostic proteins. The approach, which will utilize electrochemistry to monitor the binding-induced folding of peptide/polypeptide used as recognition elements, will be rapid, specific, convenient, and critically, selective enough to be employed directly in blood serum and –we propose- whole blood. This goal will be achieved bringing together an international and interdisciplinary group of research teams and building a collaborative environment for research, innovation and technology transfer in the field of electrochemical nanosensors.This program will allow the exchange of knowledge and expertises through training visiting periods of early stage and experienced researchers. The training will involve each single aspect of sensor development. For this reason, the research teams selected encompass all of the requisite expertises and each of them has a particular focus on a single step of sensor production and testing.The outcome of the fellowship will be crucial for the early stage researchers involved. This in fact will strengthen their scientific knowledge through a focused training at the host institutions and will facilitate the acquisition of experience in new, interdisciplinary fields at the interface of analytical chemistry, electrochemistry, molecular biology and clinical chemistry. The program will also allow the exchange of experienced researchers. This will give the possibility to build a strong net of collaboration, which will be very important for future careers of the involved scientists. The laboratories involved have similar objectives but with completely different scientific approaches and expertise, this program will help the integration and collaboration among the research teams and the establishment of a long-term collaboration between Europe and key Third Countries.

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