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Development of best practice model Doctoral Schools for structured PhD programme implementation in Ukraine and Georgia
Start date: Oct 15, 2010,

Asp2PhD aims to reform doctoral education in Ukraine and Georgia by establishing two national best practice model doctoral schools that operate in real world university environments, efficiently and effectively administering a minimum of 5 structured PhD study programmes that each conform to EHEA principles and standards. Academic faculty and research staff will be trained in PhD supervision, research methods and transferable skills teaching, while newly established and verified administrative systems and procedures will ensure high quality doctoral-level studies, and inclusion of postgraduates into an international academic community. The model Doctoral Schools will disseminate their expertise to other institutions of higher education and to policy makers in both countries, and will become focal points for introducing new administrative structures and management practices for "research universities" that foster the integration of research and teaching. Moreover, their students and their researchers will have improved opportunities to participate in programs and activities in the ERA.The principle outcomes and outputs of the project are:1. Establishment of best practice principles and workflow procedure (including software) implementation for Doctoral School operations in Georgia and Ukraine.2. Pre-accreditation of 5 functioning EHEA-compliant structured PhD programmes in each Doctoral School.3. Five functioning thematic research groups that are integrated into the ERA.4. Development of doctoral-level curricula for research methods, transferable skills, joint thematic courses adapted to each country.5. Training of administrative staff in efficient doctoral school operations and academic staff in supervision and doctoral-level teaching.6. Doctoral School Best Practice Model dissemination to Georgian and Ukrainian Ministries of Education, private sector stakeholders, and other Research and Higher Education Institutions.

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