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Development of adult students' skills
Start date: Aug 5, 2014, End date: Aug 4, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project will be undertaken by the afternoon and evening technical school of Paphos and Italian companies (specializing in the areas of catering, confectionery, electrical, plumbing, restaurant service and furniture manufacturing). The project objectives were chosen so as to enrich participant skills in their relative professional areas, increase their competencies in new technology and innovation and enhance participant linguistic abilities. This application will enable 73 of our students to take part in placements in Italy. About 90% of the participants are unemployed, seeking new employment opportunities in their chosen career paths. The remaining 10% will be participants holding jobs but seek to enrich and upgrade their skills and knowledge so as to maintain their jobs. Participants will work in the areas of cooking, waitering (restaurant service), confectionery, plumbing, furniture manufacturing and electrical engineering. They will be asked to master new technology (both software and hardware), manage various equipment, come across innovation and new methods of work (techniques). The sending school identified its limitations in providing participants with satisfactory skills (due to lack of adequate workshop machinery, equipment and technology ), and current local industry status (due to economic crisis they stopped investing in innovation and technology). Our Italian partners will provide our students with the skills required so as to qualify them to meet the challenges of their trade. Participants will also transfer attained knowledge to the local industries. By enriching skills and competencies our industries will become competitive again. By the end of training, participants will: - become qualified in their respective professional areas. - possess skills that they would not have if they were placed in Cyprus - become confident about their capabilities. - become capable to apply attended skills and techniques in their future working areas becoming valuable members of their future employers. - gain competitive advantage over rivalry colleagues ensuring they will be picked up by potential employers (for the unemployed) - maintain their jobs by demonstrating new skills, new techniques and innovation (for the employed). Our school will: - improve its image at local and national level. The participation of our school in European programs may contribute positively to the school image. It can also increase adult student intake in technical and vocational education in general. - improve the learning environment as a result of the efforts of beneficiaries to meet the selection criteria, which are associated with their achievements and attitudes. - provide an excellent opportunity to introduce the school in a European and international context of learning.
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1 Partners Participants