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Development, Construction and Integration of Bench Systems for Ground Thermal Tests (BESTT)
Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The work within BESTT is allocated within seven work packages which lift the current know-how and demands for technological solutions step-by-step to a new innovative level. The consortium, consisting of three experienced companies covers the capabilities of developing and implementing a complex test bench by their experience in the field of manufacturing and standardisation (TEMES), modelling and engineering of complex plants (Modelon) and development and implementation of complex test benches (Streit). The development process will be created by this interdisciplinary experts consortium in an innovative iterative way which means, that short development cycles will go through the evaluation of an industrial manufacturer, a specialist company for test bench construction and a modelling experts company that will be the mathematic backbone on the way to the best solutions. Based on the results of the first work package a detailed planning process will be executed in WP2 “Design”. After the construction of the different custom parts in WP3, the integration of these components into the test facility will be carried out. To guarantee the operational functionality of the test bench, extensive operational tests will be executed by the consortium partners in WP5 “Operational testing"". With this consortium three strong expert companies will work together on the development of a step-change test environment for future technologies especially the more-electrical aircraft. The consortium will be managed by STREIT, which is an experienced engineering and plant construction company that already participated successfully in two FP projects."
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