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Development and integration of a common training system for trainers from fire-rescue departments working with children and young people in the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Estonia and the Federal Republic of Germany
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In view of the common mission of the three project partners organizations, which is to protect human life, the realization of this project will provide a unique opportunity for developing an innovative, "user-friendly"and efficient common training system at EU and national level. Through the joint activities under the project and the transnational partnership each partner will be able to contribute with their own experience and share their best practices creating a unified training platform at EU level. Based on their needs, each partner will be able to make the best use of project results and adapt the delivered outputs to a national level. The project will be targeted at increasing the professional training capacity of trainers, working with children and youth in the field of fire safety awareness-raising, preparedness and fire safety skills. This will be achieved by developing and integrating an innovative common training system at EU and national level through the exchange of good practices and existing trends in the three partner countries and by promoting cross-border cooperation. The Applicant organization of the project is the Fire Safety and Civil Protection Directorate General to the Ministry of the Interior of Bulgaria (FSCP DG) and project partners are: Estonian Rescue Board (ERB) and Youth Fire Brigade Suhl - Germany (YFBS). Each project partner will train 12 trainers from their country, which in turn will train children and youth fire teams (CYFT) in the field of fire safety and civil protection. In their work with the young target groups, the trained trainers will use educational-methodological materials (compliant and specifically adapted to children's needs and interests), which they will develop under the present project. To ensure efficient and timely project implementation, each project partner will establish an internal Project Management Team (PMT), which will be represented by a team leader and by a staff of experts having relevant expertise to the project activities. The PMTs of each partner will hold regular monthly meetings (at internal level) to discuss and report on project progress and eventual obstacles to project implementation and measures for overcoming them. At international level, the PMTs of each partner will meet twice a year (Transnational project meetings) to discuss and report on project progress and to define future tasks and priorities. The expected results are: 1. Trained trainers through the exchange of good practices and transnational cooperation - 36 employees from the fire-rescue departments of FSCP DG, ERB and YFBS. 2. Developed educational-methodological materials needed for the trainers to work with children and young people. 3. Provided access to the educational-methodological materials through the interactive learning platform for practical and on-line (remote) teaching of trainers, which will be implemented as on-line tools (Internet free open access to project outputs). 4. Provided educational - methodological materials, as well as access to the on-line training for educational Ministries (in Bulgaria, Estonia and Germany) to enable the results to reach to the widest possible range of users and especially teachers, who wish to integrate into the idea. 5. Conducted international competition (multiplier event) and supplied equipment. 6. Conducted information campaign among the population to promote the project results. The transnational partnership under this project will enable to have a double impact on two levels: both at EU level and at national level. Each partner will contribute with their own experience in the field of training children and youth for fire safety and civil protection, but will also benefit from the experience and best practices of the rest of the partners. In this relation, each project partner will be able to apply the project results to their own respective training systems, which in turn, will provide a unique opportunity for each project partner to upgrade and strengthen their training capacity. Considering the open access of the project deliverables, the common training system outputs will be available to fire-rescue departments in Europe and interested stakeholders. Through this project it will be created a wide European network, which will offer open access to a large number of interested target groups and will enable future use of the project outputs and will ensure project sustainability. Last but not least, the project will establish long-lasting partnerships and will lay the foundations for future international initiatives in the field of fire safety and civil protection targeted at the youth and children. Through this project, it will be created a fire safety and disaster resilience/fire safety and disaster awareness skills and responsible behavior in members of our societies, starting from the youngest ones. This in turn will provide an excellent future recruitment base for fire-rescue departments.
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