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Development and implementation of a certification and education system for judges and assessors of floral design.

The assessment of floral works regards competitions in floral design on (inter)national or regional level or of work made at school exams and test projects is a serious issue. There is a huge lack of transparency as to how judging is being done, there is no homogeneity, quality of judging isn’t guaranteed and differences are huge. That is a problem as to competitions, but most certainly as to exams and tests for students in floral design, who are dependent of the quality of the assessment for their own success.This partnership wants to develop and implement a European accreditation and education system for assessors of floral works, firstly on (inter) national level. Important part is knowledge of the international 100-points system, a clear and sophisticated set of criteria for assessment. The process of implementation will be shaped thus that the chance of the system being used for regional competitions, school competitions and -assessments / exams, is maximal.The objectives are:- to enhance the professionalism and encourage the development of knowledge and skills relevant for professional judging;- to create more transparency and comparability of assessments at various levels; - by means of a recognised international accreditation for European / national assessors;Consultation and discussion with all partners of a draft system must lead to a final and detailed competence profile for professional judges, plus a sophisticated model for approach of the certification procedure on (inter)national level. This certification system is then to be implemented and piloted in the various countries, involved in this project, in such a way that a maximum of learning by doing is ensured and gained experiences are passed on to partners in the next pilots.
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7 Partners Participants