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Developing the Economies of Airport Regions - DEAR (DEAR)
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objective of DEAR is to improve the economic development and job opportunities in the participating regions through a powerful network of regional airports. The network wants to strengthen the competitive position of existing SMEs and boost the capture of new investors from outside these regions. Achievements: After setup of project structures within the first period of project, real progress was made within the following periods. The partnership managed to finalize the ETH Study and Study on Airport Academy. The web presentation had been further developed and updated to serve as a comprehensive Informatiom tool: installed portal for invitations was integrated, integrated suppliers’ list (list of interested SMEs in co-operation with SMEs of other partner regions) and publishing of all relevant information, news and DEAR achievements. An intensive knowledge exchange among the partners took place, especially in the framework of implemented Business Contact Forums, but also on bilateral basis (Lahr/Thanet; Thanet/Radom, Slupsk; Magnesia/Parchim-possible flight connections bewteen Magnesia and Parchim; Radom/Parchim). Thus, all partners gained better know-how on certain airport and regional development related problems. All project partners signed off a so-called 'Friendly Agreement' that lays ground for common marketing activities of the 'European Transport Hub-ETH' (see An ETH brochure had been developed as common marketing tool presenting all partners airport facilities, their regions and business parks. The European Transport Hub (ETH) was marketed on several transnational occiasions by the partners, but also on local Airport-Task-Force (ATF) meetings at every partner site. All implemented DEAR workshops and meetings served as platform for knowledge exchange on regional development issues. Best practices had been discussed and good approaches had been presented. Held Business Contact Forums (BCF) were considered interesting and helpful to get in contact with other SMEs in the partner regions. Intensive dissemination work to promote DEAR and project related topics prove a quite high number of hits per month on that turned out as most effective marketing tool. The maintenance of DEAR and ETH online is secured. The DEAR results help to improve the partner's performance in respect of regional development and SME related activities. Further cooperation in EU funded projects prove a positive attitude towards interregional cooperation and certifies a sound project management.The final project results were published on the internet and in a digital project manual (CD-ROM) and presented during the final conference. This final conference was also used as a dissemination platform for some of the results of studies implemented within the DEAR framework. For example a summarized presenation about 'The Future of Air Cargo Development and Logistics (in Parchim)' and 'The Development of Lahr as a Center for Logistics'.

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  • 52.1%   660 054,32
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC North
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants