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deutsch-polnischer Austausch
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Located in the Rhine-Main-Region, the BSGG is in close proximity to the cities of Frankfurt, Mainz, Wiesbaden and Darmstadt, despite our vocational school being situated in a slightly rural area. Our school embraces full-time courses (ranging from vocational options up to the Abitur) as well as part-time options embedded in the dual system of school and vocational training. So far there is a school parnership with a Chinese school and further contacts with schools in Sweden as well as the UK, but those are primarily aimed for the higher full-time courses. Roughly two third of our 2700 students are trainees in the dual system , above all in commerce, vehicle technology, electronics, scaffolding and other construction, as well as in health, nutrition and hair-dressing. Baring that in mind, we are looking for a partner school for our trainees with which we can start European mobilities. Our organizing team is interested in an exchange programme with a Polish partner in which our trainees may get the chance to do some internships in Poland. The common framework will be done by our Polish partner, focusing on enlarging our specialized knowledge, products and methods, as well as problem solving strategies. Equally, we would like to cultivate our intercultural competences such as open-mindedness for other cultures, knowledge of national habits, languages, and lifestyle). Additionally, we are keen on getting a deeper knowledge of Poland's and Germany's common history.Hopefully, the teachers' exchange will lead to a fruitful discussion within the school, concerning the school's organization, its pedagogical model along with the countries' educational policies. We are planning to send 15 trainees for about four weeks to Poland. Furthermore, we expect our school's class and study trips to develop into international exchanges.
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