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DESTINATION: EUROPE – Perfecting European youth through art

Two youth exchanges, interactive art methods, creativity and an intercultural atmosphere, were all elements under this multi-measure project which gave participants confidence in their unique European identity. The project encouraged the personal growth and development of young Europeans through active citizenship, informal exchange and art-dialogue. Twelve NGOs representing eleven countries partnered up in this project, which offered activities such as social games, theatre and pantomime, dance and workshops on everything from sand animation to music. The main actors were the young participants themselves. 1. “NATUR (EU) PHORIA”: Young artists for a healthy Europe The Bulgarian coastline region of Kavarna Town hosted the first stage of the project. This was the perfect location for themes such as the environment, European health and the role of youth in their preservation and development. These subjects were explored through informal outdoor workshops. 2. TEMPER YOUR TEMPER: Chiming together through art-dialogue The second stage of the project took place in Kotel. With a perfect location came an inspired title for an intercultural project, namely one based on the musical term “temper”. It means, “to adjust different instruments or parts of a musical instrument in such a way that they sound in harmony” and is deeply rooted in the word “temperament” which was essential for the project. During the project, youth discussed ways to inform people about diversity by softening cultural, religious and personal differences, and estab lishing a friendly co-existence between the diff erent tempers and cultures in Europe. Participants learned a lot about themselves and others, as well as gaining cooperation and communication skills.
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