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Destination Europ'emploi
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Destination Europ'Employment : an accelerator of skills As mission locale we support young people aged betwen 16 and 25 for their professionnal and social integration We are organised in netwwork with the other mission locale of the department for carrying out mobilty project. The name of this network is "Pôle européen du Val-de-Marne". This project folows our experience of management of Leonardo Da Vinci Grant. We want to offer mobility of placement for young people inscribed to "Missions Locales" of our department. We also plan to extand the possibility of placement for young people folowing the activity creator training and for the employee engaged in our network. The mobility : a tool dedicate to the intergration of young people We will offer a training process. We will target in priority the young with a low level of qualifications. Training process - Young level 3 and 4 (64 participants) - distributed over 4 departure -One month of courses of Language -Professional and cultural preparation of 2 month leading by a training center -Mobilty of placement of 3 month To Eastbourne - United Kingdom, Cork - Ireland - Granada - Spain -Post -Training leading by the training center During this training process, they will get the position of 'professional intern" We also want to offer mobility placement for young people with an highest level of qualification. We noticed that this young people need to have a mobility experience for getting professionnal skills. Training process - Young level 5 and 6 (24 participants) - distributed over 4 departure - Professional and cultural preparation of 1 month leading by mission locale -Mobilty of placement of 3 month To Eastbourne - United Kingdom, Cork - Ireland - Granada - Spain -Post -Training leading by Mission Locale They will get the position of "professional intern" thank to an agreement with our national job center. We will select the young according to their professional project and their motivation. We identified the folowing professional sector : Catering - Turism - Administrative duties. sales The mobility : a tool dedicate to the creation of activities Folowing the development of the cooperation between the Activities Creator training ( University Degree of creation of activities) and the European Pole of Mobility, we decided to offer a mobility of placement for the young inscribed to this training. This placement will be a placement in company of 3 weeks integrated in to the training. Training process of the creation of activities (12 particpants) - distributed over 2 departures -Working project (3 workshop) -Mobility of placement of 3weeks To Eastbourne - United Kingdom, Cork - Ireland - Granada - Spain -Assesment of the experience in return workshop The goal of the mobility will be to permit to the young to experiment the adaptabilty and to discover the european labour market. We will select the young according to their motivation and the relevance of their project. The mobility : A tool dedicate to the training of the mobility staff In order to answer to the training's needs of our colleagues engaged in the mobility project, we will offer a mobility of placement of 2 weeks. Training process for the staff mobility - 7 grants) - Individual Departure -Selection based on professional motivation -Interview with the coordinator to establish the training needs -Mobilty of placement of 1 week To Eastbourne - United Kingdom, Cork - Ireland - Granada - Spain -Interview with the coordinator to assess the experience -Report of the experience in technical Committee So will send abroad 100 young people and 7 employée. Distribtued over 2 years, the sending will be collective for young and individual for the employee. The step of the project will be : -Selection Committee -1 per Month Composed of an employee of each mission locale and a member of the department council, it will organise the selection of young people according to their professional project and their motivation -Technical Committee - 1 per quarter Composed of an employee of each mission locale and a member of the department council, it will organise the reflexion about the project. -Management Committee - 2 per year Composed of each director of "Mission Locale', it will approve the decisions taken in Technical committee The organisation of the stay will be realized in relation to intermediary organism. They have an important network of companies and ensure a good folowing of our young people. Thanks to this project, we want to foster the acquisition of linguistic and professional skills in order to promote the integration of the young. We obtain, within our former project, 70% of positiv return. We develop the mobility of employee for promoting their commitment in our mobility project.

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