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Design of Curriculum for Woodworking CNC Operators in Turkey
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The woodworking and furniture industries have a considerable investment on CNC technologies, yet the productivity, precision, and complexity of the products are not as high as expected as the end product of such technologies. One major reason for these discrepancies is related to the education of CNC operators. This two-way project aims to provide a guide to prepare a curriculum for on the job training of CNC operators in furniture industries based on andragogical principles and a new curriculum for training the CNC operators in these sectors to use the available technologies to their full potentials. Ultimately, this will enhance CNC operators' technological skills to cope with the new CNC technologies in the realm of life-long learning activities as described in Bologna Process and enable them to solve on the job problems by themselves using any e-media. Regardless, it will aim to furnish them with basic computer literacy and CAD in order to interact with the machine and the model and/or designer whenever necessary.

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