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Design, improvement and development of methodology and a guidebook for developing the values and dynamics of the Entrepreneurship among our students

Creating specific Didactic Material in entrepreneurship for teachers. To accomplish this result we want to implement the following project among 6 partners from 5 European countries: “Design, Improvement and development of methodology and a guidebook for developing the values and dynamics of the Entrepreneurship among our students.”If we want to create entrepreneur competences in our students, we must train and provide our teachers with specific knowledge and material for the development of the teaching/learning process in terms of entrepreneur competences. Based on this necessities, one of the results of our product will be Didactic Material for teachers. This Didactic Material will allow trainers to introduce the values and dynamics of the entrepreneurship in the school starting with creative/innovative tools and finishing with the Enterprise. Some people will consider there are a lot of manuals for entrepreneurship, but our Didactic Material will be specific for development of the entrepreneurship in Vocational Training Schools.The Didactic Material will be the result of taking into account the already verified and successful experiences in Portugal, Finland and Spain and besides other European countries(Romania,Latvia) will contribute with their commitment implementing this Didactic Material in their respective schools/organizations during the project(3rd phase:Pilot Project implementation). So, these two last countries will become aware of the importance of entrepreneurship and could be the leading agents in this countries expanding the message of entrepreneurship in their countries.This is the second result of the project: to make aware of the importance of promoting the entrepreneurship to these two partners.Conclusion.The project itself will no solve the problem of lack of entrepreneurship in Europe, but we are sure that the project will help among other measures, to develop a more entrepreneurial Europe. As Günter Verheugen, Vice President of the European Commission said, “Entrepreneurs are the economic DNA which we need to build competitiveness and innovation in Europe,”.

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5 Partners Participants