Desert Rose
Start date: Jul 31, 2014,
End date: Jan 30, 2015
Following SEYF’s recent collaboration in the Mediterranean Festival dei Popoli, some young people from our association had theopportunity to observe a network of stakeholders that are working with common objectives and that are engaged in thepromotion of cultural activities in the Mediterranean. Many organizations and public bodies are working on intercultural awareness/ dissemination as a core value of contemporary society, for a mature and sensible idea of a "Euro-Mediterranean Culture"endorsing the values of European citizenship, but at the same time safeguarding the anthropological cultural peculiarities of thecountries bordering the Mediterranean area. Starting from this basis, some members of SEYF started to research for a way ofintegration between the two shores of the Mediterranean, noticing that when coming to establish relationships very often it is avery sensitive and complex matter which necessities new tools for young people coming from both sides.This is the background from where the idea of the youth exchange Desert Rose started. This youth exchange aims to identifynew experiential paths through art and culture in order to make practical use of strategies (connecting to the establishment ofcultural entrepreneurship) and tools that will help to start putting the values of tolerance and social inclusion, at the detriment ofxenophobic phenomena that are so prevalent in the old continent. Desert Rose took place in Lecce from the 23 until 30September 2014 and involved 30 young people and 6 youth leaders coming from Italy, France, Malta, Jordan, Algeria andMorocco. The young participants are aged 18-25 years old and come from different backgrounds; some of them come fromgeographical areas with fewer opportunities, while others come from circumstances of economic and social hardship. During thecourse of the youth exchange, participants were involved in a cycle of activities, based on non-formal methods that led them toset up a Living Library. Dissemination of results were done through a video-novel disseminate through all the partner involved inthe project The entire project was developed by the promoters and drawn up by all prospective participants with an absolutelydemocratic and participatory approach. Through Desert Rose, SEYF and all the partners involved aim to:1) Promote the exchange of knowledge related to cultural and artistic experience of different countries of the Mediterranean witha focus on the connection between migration, creativity and sense of community;2) Organize meetings where it will be possible to exchange experiences and knowledge between native people and migrants, inorder to transmit the values of peace and dialogue in the framework of a common Mediterranean identity;3) make use of the artistic and cultural experience developed during the implementation of the activities to give a start-up to theintegration between local communities and migrants;4) promote the use of modern and innovative methods, in order to utilise and communicate art and culture;5) highlight the dignity and universality of art as an exchange between native communities’ and migrant communities;A project developed with such framework aims to provide several skills, such as digital competence, multilingualism, ability towork in groups and using experiential cognitive approaches to promote the relations between the countries and organizationsinvolved in the development of networking, to encourage a Euro-Mediterranean cultural enterprise.