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Desarrollo de competencias del profesorado para la mejora e innovación educativa, potenciando la dimensión europea de un centro integrado de música.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Integrated School of Music ‘Padre Antonio Soler’ is a state school where both general and musical courses are imparted, aimed at students who have a professional musical vocation. The present Project involves the participation in life-long training activities on the part of the teaching staff. The intention is to include a total number of 14 teachers from the three teaching bodies present in the school – Primary Education, Secondary Education and Musical Education – to expand their linguistic and professional capacities so that they can contribute to expanding the school’s international profile, by implementing innovative methodologies, and helping the students to acquire a complete and meaningful education. The training courses have been chosen according to the needs observed in the school, which focus on three different fields: 1 – IMPROVEMENT OF THE LINGUISTIC COMPETENCES, AIMING AT BILINGUALISM. 2 – IMPROVEMENT OF THE EMOTIONAL CAPACITIES AND MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES. 3 – IMPROVEMENT OF THE TEACHING-LEARNING METHODOLOGIES IN MUSICAL AND IN GENERAL STUDIES. CURRICULAR INTEGRATION AND EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION. Funding is requested for training activities in the fields of foreign languages, particularly English; multiple intelligences; emotional intelligence; baroque music; and the Dalcroze Method of musical training. These training activities will cover all the needs identified in the school. Also, a seminar and working group will be set up which will extend the acquired knowledge to the rest of the School’s teaching staff. The teachers taking part in these structured courses will apply the tools acquired in previous training courses and in their daily teaching practice, complementing them with the new knowledge, skills and abilities obtained in the course. The repertoire to be practiced in the classroom will be extended, by getting new bibliographical references and musical materials which the school lacks , as well as materials for the technical instrumental work. Also, the methodology will be updated. The teachers’ capacities will improve with the acquisition of new tools and teaching methods, especially as regards the interdisciplinary approach, and particularly the new knowledge will be applied for a better physical preparation of the instrumentalist students. The training courses have been chosen according to the participants’ fields of expertise and their interests. These will contribute to the acquisition and perfection of new knowledge, skills and strategies in order to improve their teaching and personal capacities. Taking part in these training activities will also facilitate contact with other European teaching professionals which will serve as the basis to establish a network of contacts with which we can develop future projects. A practical and collaborative methodology will be used, in order to foster cooperative learning amongst teachers and students. The teachers will acquire and consolidate new teaching skills and strategies thanks to the training activities which will be performed during the Project. This will result in the implementation of innovative methodologies in the classroom. The benefits obtained from this Project will be for both the participants themselves, as it will be a fulfilling experience at a professional and a personal level; and for the whole of the school community, especially for the students, who will profit from the new capacities their teachers will have acquired. All in all, the impact of the present project in the short and in the long term will be observed in the improvement of the quality of the education; in the cohesion and integration of the different teaching specialties represented in the school; and will benefit the participants’ professional and human development. We must also highlight the presence of the school in Europe, which will be achieved thanks to this project, and increase our network of contacts which will lead to the development of future collaboration with schools similar to ours.
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