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Des volontaires européens en Pays de Caux
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project presented is to host 5 young european volunteers at the same time in 4 different places: in the Network of Youth centres in Normandy in Yvetot (2 volunteers: 1 in the main place and 1 travelling in the organizations members of the network), in the Youth and Cultural centre of Yvetot and in the Youth and Cultural centre of Duclair and in the Youth and Cultural centre of Saint Romain de Colbosc. It will be a collective hosting. They will live together in the same house in Yvetot, main city of the "Pays de Caux" which is a famous rural area in Normandy. We would like to host these volunteers during 9 months, from October 2015 to June 2016, which is a complete season of activities for our organizations. Every volunteer will be followed individually . The RMJCN will be in charge of the good coordination between these organizations and will also make sure that the volunteers are in good conditions in the time where they are outside their mission. The coordinator will offer to the volunteers hours of french lessons, in accordance with the level of everyone. He could also organize sharing practices days in order to speak with the volunteers about the topics they are interested in. The 5 volunteers will work in their own hosting organizations 4 days / 5. According to their hosting organization, each volunteer will be involved in the life of the organization, within the framework of the proposed activities. The 5 volunteers will prepare a presentation of their country and of their experience that they can propose in different organizations which are partners (institutions, schools...) These presentations could also be proposed during the leisure centres, the association workshops or in the young people centres. Thematic evenings and exhibitions could be organized also for the members of the organizations and, even, for everybody. It will be possible, for each volunteer, to propose one or several personal project (chosen by him/her) in accordance with the organization, especially to set up his/her personal project. A day per week (at the RMJCN in Yvetot) , the volunteers will meet in order to work together on a common project that will take place at the end of the year. This common project will be chosen by the group. It could be a show, a video, an exhibition... The organizations will give them what they need so as to lead this project.
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