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Des partenariats de qualité pour sa réussir sa formation par alternance en Europe.
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

For a few years, the MFR in Midi-Pyrénées have decided to emphasize on international cooperation and european mobility so that these stong themes would become a backbone to VET. In a sandwich course, the learners' experience is the starting point of the learnin process, it enables them to build their own knowledge but also to open to others. This kind of learning /teaching method requires a strong collaboration between all the partners involved in the training: tutors in the workplacements, actors of the social life, parents, teachers and trainers. In our first two consortia in 2012 and in 2013, young people from 4 then 7 schools registered in their final year of vocational or technical A-level were able to experience a workplacement in different countries in Europe. Little by little, the idea of european mobility has developed and become more and more popular throughout the different schools. Today, the new Erasmus + project involves 9 schools (out of the 12 in the regional network) and concerns a broarder range of courses and a larger group of young learners (CAPA and Bac Pro and Bac techno). The aim is to increase the number young people's european mobilities, to develop their sense of european citizenship, to increase their professionnal integration but also to strengthen the european mobility program: - by integrating european mobility in the overall organisation of the CAPA and Bac Pro courses - by developping the technical skills of the teams involved in the mobility programs and by enabling the MFR employees to get trained in Europe - by increasing the quality of the follow up of the learners thanks to better relations with our european partners (quality chart, agreement, questionnaires...) The project is set up for 15 to 20 years-old A-level, girls and boys who have decided to take a sandwich course in order to discover the realities of the working world. The project is also set up for the MFR employees who, for their own personnal development and in order to meet the MFR's objectives in terms of international development, will take part in working experiences in VET schools and will share good practices and build european training programs. The project concerns: - 186 VET and Technological A-level learners for 3 weeks placements in 9 european countries - 27 CAPa learners for 2 weeks workplacements in VET schools and on workplacements in 4 european countries - 20 emloyees (2 per school and 2 from the Regional organisation) for a 5 day workplacement in 9 european countries. The quality of the mobility program will be at the heart of the Erasmus + program: quality of the follow up of the participants, quality of the people involved in the program thanks to the training, quality of the partnerships. For the learners, the main impact that is expected is: - increased pourcentage of professionnal integration thanks to the development of the personnal and professional competences, - development of cultural knowledge and the feeling of belonging to an european citizenship. For the employees, the main impact that is expected is a better involvement and management of the european programs so that the teaching methods improve. For the partner orgnisations, the impact that is expected is the integration of the european mobility in the training courses, the improvement of the VET image, and a better recognition of the sandwich courses as part of the development of the people and the professional sectors. Our ambition is to promote european mobility by allowing learners from the12 MFR to get access to it.

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