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Demonstration of good practices to minimize impacts of wind farms on biodiversity in Greece (LIFE WINDFARMS & WILDLIFE)
Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background A significant percentage of Europe’s wind energy potential is found in Greece, and this is expected to help the country meet its target of producing 35% of its power from renewable sources by 2020. A significant increase in the number of wind farms in Greece is required, however, and the impact of this on biodiversity needs to be carefully assessed prior to any works taking place. An analysis of potential negative impacts will help to ensure the introduction of appropriate mitigation or compensation measures. At present, there are gaps in knowledge, policy and planning frameworks in Greece concerning the impacts of wind farms on biodiversity. Objectives This LIFE Biodiversity project aims to help fill these gaps and prepare a methodology that can be applied to harmonise the needs of wind farm developers with the conservation needs of EU biodiversity. Guidelines will be produced that enable public authorities in Greece, and wind farm developers, to effectively plan, implement and regularly evaluate the performance of the measures specifically designed to safeguard biodiversity. Project actions will focus on demonstrating effective integrated approaches to post-construction mitigation of negative impacts on biodiversity (in accordance with the EU Guidance document ‘Wind energy development and Natura 2000’). Expected results: The project expects to increase the proper implementation of mitigation technologies on wind farms of Greece. This will be achieved by producing a series of detailed reports clarifying the effectiveness of specific mitigation measures using Early Warning Systems for controlling wind turbine operation and/or deterring birds. A dedicated mitigation laboratory will operate at a demonstration wind farm (PENA), generating data on the efficiency and effectiveness of mitigation measures. Findings from this work will inform the preparation, production and promotion of a Good Practice Guide, as well as a GIS Decision Support Tool. Training will then be provided for key stakeholders on the procedures and standards for the application, operation and evaluation of mitigation technologies on wind farms. A wider communication campaign will help to raise awareness about the project and the outputs among a wider group of stakeholders. A dedicated website will be developed, and a series of events, including an international scientific symposium, will be organised.
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