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Demonstration of a novel thermo-chemical heat storage system to improve energy-efficiency in CHP power plants and in solar driven industrial applications with high relevance in SMEs (HS-Demo)
Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The FP7 R4SME HeatSaver project (Grant Agreement No.: 222116) successfully developed a zeolite based thermo-chemical heat storage concept at an integrated 1000 litre scale with significant advantages compared to SoA technologies in terms of energy density and flexibility. HeatSaver was assessed by the EC Research Executive Agency(REA) as delivering high quality science and technology development: That the project made good progress, achieving most of its objectives and technical goals with only relatively minor deviations. The REA also noted that “further development of the concept would be effective in close collaboration with potential end-users to enable simplification of system components and their optimization”.HS-DEMO will bring HeatSaver RTD results closer to market, within six months of the completion of this project, the SME partners seek to achieve sales of units. This project will result in an industrially and commercially viable thermal storage system that has wide applications. The demonstration project will involve: 1) Industrialisation of the manufacturing process through a Value Engineering approach. 2) Enable economies of scale in manufacture. 3) Validation of a commercially viable process that can be marketed with a reasonable return on investment by customers; requiring the recovery of heat at a cost of less than €50 to €90/MWh. This cost will be an economic target of HS-DEMO. 4) The need to demonstrate the technology over extended periods in industrial locations. Outline agreement has already been obtained for this from power plant company, CHP plants and solar thermal plants. 5) The demonstrations to be shown to relevant potential customers from across industry and across Europe (over 25 visitors), in a format that is able to show it to be of potential to benefit to their respective businesses. 6) Feedback from demonstrations to be collated in a format that enables iterative system enhancement to improve the commercial viability of the process.
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