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Start date: Mar 24, 2013, End date: Sep 23, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will demonstrate and contribute towards making port areas as carbon neutral as possible. Through the project, Photovoltaic Infrastructure (PV) will be installed in designated locations within the ports of Valletta, Catania and Gela as well as demonstrate, test, evaluate and disseminate a number of actions with respect to the achievement of electromobility in and around the proximity of the respective ports. Local green plans for ports and port areas will be compiled to suggest future policies for implementation of green energy actions to further decarbonise port areas in each of the partner port areas as a second stage to this project. The compilation of these plans will take into account the results obtained through the pilot actions, some of which are to be implemented as part of this project. As part of these plans, the project also foresees a study to determine the feasibility and sustainability of shore supply installations for the provision of electrical shore sourced power to ships when berthing in ports rather than using heavy fuel oil, by connecting to the national electricity grid to provide ships with the necessary energy to power on board facilities such as cargo handling machinery and hospitality needs for both crew and passengers on board ships. Through this project a number of fullelectric vehicles will be purchased which through the installation of PV Infrastructure, will provide the first carbon neutral transportation in port areas. In addition a number of PV- electric car charging stations will be deployed in public car parking spaces. In and around port areas.Il progetto contribuisce al miglioramento dellefficienza energetica nei porti e alla riduzione delle emissioni di CO2 nelle relative aree. Il progetto prevede listallazione di infrastrutture fotovoltaiche nei porti di La Valletta, Catania e Gela, nonché una serie di azioni volte a implementare, sperimentare, valutare e diffondere l'elettromobilità dentro e in prossimità dei porti e delle rispettive aree operative. I partner redigeranno inoltre Piani locali della portualità sostenibile per suggerire le politiche future per implementare le energie rinnovabili nei porti coinvolti e per decarbonizzare ulteriori aree anche dopo la conclusione del progetto. La redazione di questi piani terrà conto dei risultati da ottenere attraverso azioni pilota. Come parte di questi piani, il progetto prevede anche uno studio per determinare la fattibilità e la sostenibilità di impianti di approvvigionamento per fornire da terra, alle navi attraccate nei porti, energia verde al posto degli oli combustibili pesanti. Tali impianti, una volta collegati alla rete elettrica nazionale (o eventualmente anche agli impianti fotovoltaici), oltre alle navi potranno fornire anche l'energia ai macchinari elettrici per la movimentazione delle merci in banchina nonché servire il fabbisogno energetico delle navi in fase di stazionamento. Con questo sistema i generatori di energia a bordo potrebbero quindi essere spenti pur mantenendo operativa la nave attraccata. Il progetto prevede infine lacquisto di veicoli elettrici che, attraverso l'installazione di infrastrutture fotovoltaiche, forniranno i primi servizi di trasporto a emissioni zero nelle aree portuali. Inoltre nei parcheggi di pertinenza dei porti coinvolti verranno istallate stazioni di ricarica per i veicoli elettrici. Achievements: Following official procurement procedures the fleet of 13 full electric vehicles has been ordered. These include 4 crew vans, 2 panel vans, 3 passenger cars and 4 quadricycles. The public procurement for the provision of charging infrastructure, including solar charging car ports, is ongoing and everything is scheduled to be in place by September 2014. Between July and December 2014, all these vehicles and the infrastructure mentioned above will be demonstrated within the port areas. They will be studied during operation and relevant data will be gathered in order to allow Transport Malta to evaluate: • Whether the vehicles are viable to be used within port operations • Whether solar power generated on-site is enough to offset the energy demand of the vehicles • Whether carbon neutrality in road transportation is possible with the resources and technology currently available

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  • 85%   2 125 000,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Italy - Malta (IT-MT)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants