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Demonstrating Best Practise in Raised Bog Restoration in Ireland (DBPRBRI)
Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Irish raised bogs represent some of the finest examples of their habitat type in the world. Surveys indicate that some 50 000 ha of reasonably intact or uncut raised bog habitat remain in the country, which represents about 16% of the original natural extent of the habitat. Of this, about 21 500 ha is regarded as being of nature conservation value and is included in a network of protected areas: Natura 2000 network sites (SACs) and Natural Heritage Areas (NHAs). Previous afforestation schemes on bogs have affected their ecological integrity and current national forest policy includes goals to protect semi-natural habitats of nature conservation value, including raised bogs. Objectives The primary objective of this LIFE Nature project is to help restore wetland, peat-forming conditions on Ireland’s raised bogs by continuing the process of removing plantation forests. This project builds upon the work carried out under Coillte’s previous LIFE-funded project (LIFE04 NAT/IE/000121 “Restoring Raised Bog in Ireland”), which was completed in December 2008. That project demonstrated that tree removal and drain-blocking can have encouraging positive effects, even in the short-term, on bog hydrology and vegetation. All associated objectives of the current project are wholly aimed at supporting this main goal. Bog restoration actions will target active raised bog habitat on 17 sites that have been partially or wholly afforested. Expected results: A total of 636.31 ha of raised bog habitat on 17 project sites (all candidate SACs and/or NHAs, spread over seven counties) will be enhanced by restoration works carried out; A total of 627.76 ha of plantation forests on raised bog habitat will be removed; Forestry drains will be blocked where necessary on a total of 636.31ha; Naturally regenerating trees will be removed where necessary over the entire project area of 636.31 ha; 15 665 m of fire-lines will be constructed where necessary; and 19 190 m of fencing will be erected where necessary.
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