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Découvrir les potentialités du marché de l'emploi en Europe
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Opening up to Europe has been regarded as a key area of development and identification for the subject area of Business and Administration taught in our school. Since 2004, the school has taught European Classes in English and Spanish on a voluntary basis with vocational subjects taught in English. The school which had been involved in the Comenius, Leonardo and Erasmus funded projects for nearly ten years is now involved into the new Erasmus+ projects: KA 101, 102 et 201. This 24-month KA 102 mobility project is intended to beneficiaries in our vocational school studying Management and Administration or Sales. The target group consists of students who were not allowed to attend schools that teach academic subjects therefore seeing themselves as failing at school. Only a few of them come here because they want to, most of them being here because they have no other choice. The factors that could motivate the students do not seem to appeal to them. This project will therefore help to motivate them, to highlight their efforts and restore their self-confidence, to bring them back the pleasure of learning and doing their schoolwork regularly but also to make them aware of the European reality in all its diversity and richness and help them realize all the opportunities that Europe can offer. For this first KA 102 project entitled “Discovering the labour market potential in Europe” eight grants for forty weeks were given to our school altogether. With these grants we decided to send ten beneficiaries over a four-week period to comply with the number of days granted. This group of five boys and five girls who were in the final year of a BTEC– eight of them studying Sales, the other two being in Management and Administration - went to Bristol together from September 17th to October 18th. Most of them who were 17 to 19 years old, were part of the European class on a voluntary basis. This class was designed to prepare them at school for this experience abroad including extra English lessons and extra lessons of vocational subjects taught in English every week. The mobility started in Bristol with a two-day induction programme on September 18th/ 19th followed by a four-week internship from September 21st to October 18th. The induction programme organised by Edventure Plus, our intermediate partner for five years, dealt with locating work placements and host families, adapting to a new language and culture, understanding the vocabulary of health and safety at work, the do’s and dont’s of the work placement etc. As for the 4-week internship from late September to the mid-term holiday, it is set, according to the dates of the fifth training period done by all our students in their final year of a BTEC. We usually draw on the list of host companies we have built up over the years. In April, we got in touch with eight charity shops for our eight students in Sales and two schools for the two trainees who study Management and Administration. A reminder and a request for confirmation was sent to each supervisor, including the Europass CV of the student with the best profile for the specific requirements of the work placement. One reason for choosing charity shops and schools was that our students could improve their English while working with confidence in a relaxed, family-like atmosphere. They did not have to be under constant pressure because of job performance or their productivity which is what sometimes happened when we used to send them to private business companies during our first projects. Every student had their own homestay family and work placement with no other French-speaking person in order to become increasingly autonomous and to gain a better command of English. Supervision which is essential has been provided by Edventure plus, our intermediate partner for five years. Debbie Richards, the Director, who provided us with the addresses and followed up the host families was also the contact person and the tutor of the group during the stay. She ran a weekly meeting on Thursday with the group to see how they were getting on. A written report was emailed to the school the following day. This project also supported the attainment of training objectives in a European context where company practices are different. On their flight to Bristol, the group was accompanied by their English teacher who took this opportunity to meet the companies and shops’ managers again and remind them of the objectives to reach. At the end of the mobility, two teachers in Sales and Administration visited each workplace to fill in the official Assessment grid together with the student and the supervisor and then flew back with them. These training assessments are taken into account in the vocational subjects of their final exam. Nine assessments out of ten were very positive and the mentors promised to host another trainee next year. The beneficiaries had to take several other tests once back to school : - the Europro Certifi
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