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Découvrir et pratiquer la diversité professionnelle en Europe
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The ERASMUS project is led by the Regional Federation of the MFR ( Rural Family Home) in Haute-Normandie. This Federation founded in 1950 is an association governed by the French law of 1901. In agreement with the project and the National Union vision, it main role is to promote vocational education and training among the youth by supporting the seven associations it federates. So it involves in favored partnership with the territory protagonist. Throug it experience the Federation contributes to the implementation training mobility project targeting our youth and adults ( LEOPROEFP2013). The project consists in offering to the learners of the eleven regional associations a mobility period within their training. Four of the MFR (Bernay, Criquetot l’Esneval, Routot, Tôtes) have already taken concrete steps to improve this Erasmus project by enriching the debate, producing and creating the draft. We work together to share our experiences, expert assesment and specifics. Even if it’s a collective agreement it should not seek to erase each organisation’s characteristics .An agreement signed by the Federation and the engaged organism, defines each specific role in the implementation of the project. The federation coordinates, manages and consolidates all the financial and administrative tasks. While the MFR get their participants ready, work with the families and handle the partnership by cooperating with the European companies. They also manage all the operational matters ( assurance, monitoring and logistics). The aim is to reach the overall training purpose while awakening their European awareness. This project will enable to acquire new skills and knowledge to make the relevant profesional bodies more dynamic. Mobility prepares to become an adapted profesional , ready to work with new development and evolution. The project intends to further and intensifies the skills and innovation exchange between companies and to build the young’s responsabilities and independance. Within an unknown context, the work placement will stimulates self-reflection, confidence, interest and enterprising mind. The European experience mobilizes the learners and provides them into the job market. Companies, for their part, can devellop particular skills to welcome the young French. The effect on their fame are obvious. Mobility is a way to make the young much more employable. Young people are going to be more able to face apprenhension linked to mobility in their profesional future. Those who had already stayed in a foreign country are more ready to move in a profesional context. In each MFR, the participants are studying in Vocational High School Diploma specialized in personal assistance service. Since they are 16 years old they are discovering work experience in companies. Bi-weekly they alternate training periods and company placement .For those pupils this vocational training involves a combination of technical skills and also relational skills. This certificate will allows the coming graduated to work in profesional fields that relate to communication, servicing activities, project management, and care services to different people in structures. According to the MFR, the work placement will last 4 weeks ( from mi-october to mid-november 2014). This duration will be relevant to learn, share and embrace other ways to work. The future graduated will incorporate companies and human services societies. The fifty young people aged from 16 to 19 are volunteers and already selected ( or at least foreseen) for this coming first experience. The selection occured nine month before the departure. The project is commited to provide a real preparatory work in which ages and needs of each students are taken into account. Mental preparation is based on the capacity of each MFR to rally and give informations. Each MFR have to care about the indepedance, cultural and language preparation. Some tools are put in place to help in the following of each student, and the appointment of a tutor in each companies. A workplace visit is consistently provided at the end and begining of the stay. To pursue the Haute-Normandie MFR European initiative we want to rise the individual autonomy level but also the responsability and the knowledges of the participant. We hope that this new initiative will strenghten our European commitment and develop international links for the local’s interest.

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