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Découverte professionnelle de la Bretagne à l'Irlande en Bac Pro
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

De la Salle High school was created in 1954, it is a private school situated in Rennes. The school is composed of a vocational, technological and higher education section which welcome each year more than 1000 students. Our teaching offer ranges from grade 11th to superior studies in tertiary sectors : Business and Customer Relations, Insurance, Sales, Accountability, Administrative Management, Computer Sciences and Business. Deeply involved in the Rennes district, the school works with a network of 1500 companies for work placements, conferences or meetings at school. The international dimension is one of the 5 areas of work of our school project. Thus, an International coordinator is in charge of International Relations, promoting international mobilities, implementing 4 Comenius projects, 2 Leonardo mobilities (2008 and 2013-2015) for vocational students, school exchanges with European high schools and also with Australia, Mexico and America. The higher education section was the first to start international work placements and it received the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) 2014/2020. This projects aims at giving the opportunity to students whose parents can not afford or do not know the importance of mobilities to improve the skills of students , help them in their school schedule and favor their professional integration. Six other objectives have been set : answering the needs of their trainings by doing work placements in companies, giving more self-confidence in using foreign languages in real situations, making students aware of their communication skills in English even if sometimes limited, fostering underperforming students, developing social relations skills in order to favor their social integration in their society and in the world. 28 students will take part to this project, 20 in their last year of BTEC specializing in Business and Sales, and 8 students in their second year of BTEC specializing in Business and Customer Relations involved in a European class. The last year students will do a work placement in a shop in March in Limerick, Ireland, thanks to our partnership with Limerick College. The second years will create a leaflet to welcome the Irish students who will be coming during the first term of school and then they will do a two-weeks work placement in Ireland in June, in Tourist offices, museums or at the reception desk of companies. Our school has an experience of more than 20 years of international projects, a skilled international coordinator, a strong partnership in Ireland and a teaching team used to projects for students. The different projects are clearly displayed so everybody knows about them and can easily identify the coordinators. Twice a year, the teachers involved meet to plan the different actions. The benefits of this project are first towards the students who will gain self-confidence and professional skills to help them develop future plans for higher education. For our school, this project will promote our local image and help us increase the social diversity of our students. In fact, well-off families with underperforming children usually register in our school. The dynamism which arises from all these projects is locally recognized by the city of Rennes and the Regional District Commission and it gives us the opportunity of taking part to their meetings and conferences. For example, the local Education Board has chosen our school to organize a school exchange with Brno for the 50th commemoration of the twinning with Rennes. As part of this project, we work with the Maison Internationale de Rennes (MIR), which is the coordinator of international relations for the city, to create a video on the topic of ‘Music in Rennes’. The USA consul in Rennes has fostered the organization of an exchange with an American school thanks to our implication in projects. Developing this project will finally help us promoting our school at an international and local level, and so making it easier to find new partners to meet the needs of our students. Our school collaborates with an agricultural college, a catering school and an equivalent school to form a consortium. The four schools are localized in the Rennes district and offer complementary trainings. Each school has completed its application form. The success of these projects will strengthen our decision to create a consortium, and the schools are convinced of the benefits of this collaboration to improve our skills and relations with companies.
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