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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

DOST - Decision suppOrt System for the Tribology optimization in forging processes The main objective of the project has been to develop a Decision Support System to ease the training of students of Master and School of Engineering and masters from Technical VET in metalforming in the complex field of tribology. The DDS will be developed thanks to the research experiences of the project partners in the field of tribology in metal forming The ICT web-based DSS platform will support technician, students and expert in the selection of tribological testing procedures and models for forging processes. Through a web interface the user will be interfaced to a Decision Support System (DSS) that will support the decision process thanks to: a) available testing procedures: experimental procedures and laboratory facilities for the investigation of the tribological conditions typical of forging processes (both cold- and hot-forging) will be collected to provide a comprehensive database; b) available tribological models: analytical, numerical as well as experimental models to describe the tribological conditions typical of forging processes (both cold- and hot-forging) will be collected to provide a comprehensive database; c) development of the decision support system: it has to support the decision approach of technicians, linking the parameters of industrial processes to (i) the laboratory tests for the characterization of the tribological conditions and (ii) to the models for their description and, eventually, implementation in FEM codes. d) Collection of technical specifications of lubricants used for different operation in industrial processes (both cold- and hot-forging). One of the most important part of the project will be to support the features of the DSS with appropriate training material which will be developed describing the processes in terms of i) the general characteristics, the influencing parameters and the typical lubrication policies that are used in industry; ii) the laboratory tests iii) the tribological models. All the project will be carried out in collaboration with forging companies which will lead to create synergies between industry and education. Finally a network of tribology tests and models will be created. Within the network, there will be represented laboratories capable to deliver tribological testing and models for forging processes to link final users (SMEs, university and VET students, and the RTD performers though: (i) providing contact details of laboratories and research centres, (ii) possibility to provide trainings on specific topics, (iii) organization of webinars on topics related to tribology in forming processes. Forging companies and industrial associations and potential users of the DSS triblogy platform will be invited to join the network. It is expected that DOST will contribute in the innovation and development of SME’s by the inclusion of new generation of environmentally friendly lubricants for high performances in severe conditions in their forging processes as well as the specific trainings for their better understanding.
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