Debaty młodzieży z Decydentami - na poziomie lokal..
Debaty młodzieży z Decydentami - na poziomie lokalnym, subregionalnym i regionalnym
Start date: Aug 1, 2014,
End date: Jul 31, 2016
The theme of the project are activities associated with organized dialogue between youth representatives and the people who shape youth policy in the region and identified a number of possibilities for the implementation of their ideas and plans based on local government and other public institutions.
The aim of the project is to improve the knowledge and skills of young people for active participation in social life. The project will help young people to define their expectations of local government and help establish a dialogue between young people and those responsible for youth policy at the regional level.
Participants will be young people from different backgrounds . On the one hand, young people active in their local community. People who are leaders in their peer group . On the other hand, residents of small towns and villages who have not had the opportunity to participate in any project and would like to participate in the decision-making process , people who are not indifferent to their local environment and the future. We anticipate that within two editions will participate in the project around 1400 participants aged 13 - 26 ( after about 700 persons per year).
In the two editions of the project we intend to conduct a series of meetings at the local, sub-regional and regional. The meetings will take the form of debates in which youth groups will present themselves, their achievements, plans and projects, and will have the opportunity to discuss with representatives of local government and public administration, policy-makers.
Planned long-term benefits and effects of the project is to establish cooperation relationships youth organizations - representatives of governments, local authorities and establish cooperation and exchange of good practice between organizations and youth groups from different parts of the region - which will result in enrichment non-formal education offer and youth projects. We also hope to arouse in young enthusiasm and motivation for continuous development, the creation of what is happening in their immediate surroundings, and active citizenship.
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