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Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Ronda is a worldwide reference city as a touristic destination, tourism is a key driver of the local economy and tourism sector companies demand professionals or experts in required disciplines based on a better linguistic education , all of this, taken into account the incorporation of the emerging occupations of professionals linked to the health tourism and also maintenance of touristic spaces and facilities with new needs in renewable energies and new technologies field. As a result of the high youth unemployment rates in our city, our users demand a more and better education tailored to their specific needs for seeking for a job ,both at national and european level. The basic aim of this project is to complete vocational training period of 12 young people of Ronda region who have finished apprenticeship or vocational training programme in Tourism or Hospitality, Health care services and Maintaining buildings. The purpose of encouraging such programmes is to increase the qualification and the employability of youth in their own country or in their destiny country. The Project has a consortium made up by IES ;Pérez de Guzmán;, IES Profesor Gonzalo Huesa and Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Ronda, as sending partners and AGENCIA ADMINISTRATIVA LOCAL SOCIOCULTURAL DE EDUCACIÓN, EMPLEO Y DEPORTES of Ronda as applicant organisation and two intermediary organisations in destiny with a large experience in the execution and ellaboration of European projects like BSW in Germany and Tellus Group in United Kingdon. Both partners assure us companies which provide workexperience in Plymouth and Dresde in Tourism and Hospitality. In the Germany case, the participants will have a opportunity of accepting a employment contract at the end of the stay if both parts agree. That is why we organize a mobility of 6 teachers of the consortium with the purpose of meeting the better profiles demanded by germany companies and coordinate participants selection in order to improve the recruitment of the students and open a future line of collaborations. This project seeks to cooperate in Ronda , moreover to be a reference as touristic destination, in the training workers field and in other areas of activity which are looking for higth quality of services and all this measure will be capable of producing a multiplier effect.
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5 Partners Participants