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dataBase of Effective opportunities in the field of Validation of non-formal and INformal learning
Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The BEVIN project is targeted at a wide audience: • all public educational institutions/sectorial organisations involved in the non-formal and informal learning process and/or validation; • all educational entities and individuals who are actively implementing validation of non-formal and informal learning; • teachers and trainers who accompany or support their students during non-formal and/or informal learning, • all organisations and institutions that are planning validation of non-formal and informal learning. Adults who are in the process of, or are planning, validation of their competences acquired through non-formal and/or informal learning. The main aim of the BEVIN project is to raise the indicator of recognition of adults competences acquired through non-formal and informal learning. The partnership will achieve this aim through realization of the following operational goals: • developing of database of effective tools for validation of non-formal and informal learning; • developing of validation opportunities trends analyzer. The objectives of the project are consistent with strategic partnerships - supported activities as these objectives will strengthen the cooperation between organizations with a view to establishing exchanges of practices, promote the development, testing and implementation of innovative practices in the field of education. European Commission recommendation on the validation of non-formal and informal learning points that by the end of 2015 each Member State should develop a national system of validation which demonstrates citizens' competences acquired outside the formal system. The database developed by the BEVIN project will be a perfect complement to these national systems at the European level. Improvement and adaptation of citizens' competences to labor market requirements are essential for the growth of competitiveness, employment and social cohesion of the European Union, which is in line with the main objective of the Europe 2020 strategy - achieving a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The partnership has been built based on the principle of complementarity of skills and experience among the partners. As a result, we can present a generated mixture of different organizations (Centrum Wspierania Edukacji i Przedsiebiorczosci - PL, Sea Teach S.L. - ES, Volontariato Torino- IT, RUNI CENTER – BG, Biedriba Eurofortis -LT) united around the main objective of the project. The expected impact on the target group of the project and relevant stakeholders can be estimated at more than 7000 people across the partnership (testing, multiplayer events, dissemination).

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