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Data support for the enhanced use of deep geothermal energy in the Danube Region (DanReGeotherm-DATA)
Start date: Mar 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main aim of the overall DanReGeotherm project is to provide scientifically based information on the deep geothermal potential of the Danube Region, in order to enhance the sustainable use of the untapped resources.As data access and data policy of the overall DanReGeotherm project is a key factor in the successful project performance, information on data delivery and acquisition will be examined in details in the START project. The evaluation of the results will make it possible to elaborate the overall project’s exact database policy, whether it will go in the direction of a “centralized” database and related web-map services, or an INSPIRE compliant decentralized data supply from national databases based on unified standards (metadata catalogues, WMS, WFS), or some hybrid solutions. Expected Results: By addressing in details the database concept of the overall DanReGeotherm project and getting a clear picture on data availability and competences of the project partners, a major step is made forward in the successful completion of the overall project.

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  • 90%   39 400,00
  • Other (EUSDR projects related)
  • Project on KEEP Platform