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Das Erscheinungsbild der Anderen
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Europe currently faces major challenges. Millions of people flee and embark on a life-threatening journey to Europe. At the same time, the European Union finds itself in an identity crisis which is closely linked to the global financial crisis. Sometimes, this causes disastrous effects on the European idea as it has major impacts on the everyday life of the citizens. For example, the image of the ‘lazy Greek‘ became quite familiar in Central and Northern Europe whereas in Greece, the German euro rescue policy is being brought closely to National Socialism again and again. However, there are problems at the other edges of Europe, too: There will be a referendum on Britain remaining in the EU – and in the Ukraine, opponents and proponents of a EU friendly policy go against each other. Crucial for all these trouble spots is the ‘image of the others‘: Which idea do we have of each other?Twenty eight young people from the UK, Greece, Austria and Ukraine, aged from 20 to 29 years, will examine this question during an international youth exchange which will take place between 15th and 21st August 2016 in Grafenbach (Carinthia/Austria). Living together for one week under the same roof, they will discuss, play, participate in workshops, meet politicians and inform themselves of the EU. At the end, they will take home an authentic image of the ‘others‘.

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