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Das Carolinum "PROFILiert" sich - eine traditionsreiche Schule auf dem Weg zu einer modernen europäischen Institution: Bilingualen Unterricht vorbereiten, Differenzierung/Inklusion verbessern, mod. Medien besser nutzen, Netzwerke aufbauen/verbessern
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Carolinum "wants to make its mark" - a school with a long tradition on its way to a modern European institution:getting ready to start bilingual teaching (CLIL), improving methodology including differentiation (inclusion/highly gifted pupils), using modern technology (esp. mobile devices), and extending our networksTo work on the above goals, the two-year-project covers three fields:a) methodology including differentiation (inclusion/highly gifted pupils)b) bilingual teaching (CLIL)c) international networking (taking a further step towards becoming a UNESCO school)The project includes 17 mobilities.14 teachers take part in teacher training courses in methodology (including differentiation, inclusion, the use of tablets in lessons), CLIL, project-management).3 teachers take part in job-shadowing in Spain and the UK.All mobilities go along with project-self-evaluation and each training course abroad will be followed by a teacher training at our school. We want to achieve the following goals:- work on teachers' ability to teach a bilingual course (CLIL)- improve methodology esp. differentiation in multi-level classes, foster inclusion and encourage and challenge the highly-gifted; lessons will focus more on the learners, pupils will be more motivated and responsible for their own learning process- use modern technology more efficiently- improve skills in project-management and interdepartmental networking of the school's staff; moreover we will intensify existing contacts with European colleagues and create new ones - in order to establish a good European network for further co-operation and new projects. This will not only be motivating for pupils but also for teachers.

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