European Projects
Darba vērošanas vizīte Lielbritānijas izglītības ..
Darba vērošanas vizīte Lielbritānijas izglītības iestādē Aizputes vidusskolas darba pilnveidošanai un skolotāju pedagoģiskās kvalifikācijas celšanai.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: May 31, 2016
The necessities of our organization correspond to the aims of Erasmus+ programme in order to reach Europe 2020 strategical aims, such as, to make lifelong learning and mobility as a reality by developing quality and effectiveness of education and training, promoting creativity and innovations.
Quality needs for Aizpute Secondary School are the following: to improve the competences of the foreign languages and the school management and to introduce new methods and means of teaching. They correspond to the tasks of the school plan formulated according to the results of the survey among the students, teachers and parents:
1.To improve the results of the Final exams – especilly in English, Mathematics and Science by introducing innovative methods in the teaching process. According to the survey it was pointed as one of the main tasks of the school. It will promote competitiveness of the school leavers in labour market in Latvia and Europe.It will attract the new students to Aizpute Secondary school.
2.To raise the professional capacity and motivation of the teachers.In this process English is very important. The knowledge of the English language will help teachers to develop their professional competences-acquire the new teaching methods for making the teaching process more attractive.That will raise the competitiveness of the school.
3. Effective management of the educational establishment introducing innovative ideas. In the future the school administration has to think of involving the alternative educational programme connected with the demands of the labour market to attract the students, as well as, the new model of implementing the teacher solaries.It is one of the basic approach in educational development 2014-2020 by the ministry of education of Latvia.
It was suggested to involve the parents in the teaching process and in extra-carricular activities. The administration has to secure the activities of career education.
In the cooperation with International Study Programmes Aizpute secondary school has found the school in Britain-Christopher Whitehead Language College for job shadowing.
The target of this visit is to acquire innovative ideas and methods for the improvement the teaching process and the management of the school.
During the project the following tasks securing the necessity to
raise the quality of the school will be fulfilled:
1.To improve the foreign language competences during the communication with the British colleagues and living in the host families, therefore to develop the motivation and professional capacity. of the teachers.
2.To get innovative ideas, teaching methods and materials in the subjects of final exams, like English, Mathematics and Science.
3.To obtain innovative ideas in the school management- especially in the questions connected with amount of work and additional work and
cooperation between the school and the parents in different age groups.
4 To present our country and get some experience of British culture, social economic situation living in host family.
5.To inform the society of the experiece during the job shadowing.
The participants of the Project: 5 teachers of Aizpute Secondary school(directly involved).
The place of the project:Britain(England) because some students of Aizpute secondary school have been taught in Britain but the teachers have not even got conception of the British educational system.
Added value of the Project: During the Project it will be possible to compare two different educational systems, to get new experience in another EU country for improving the teaching process in Aizpute secondary school.
The participants of the planned mobility will be evaluated and chosen by a commission of the Municipality of Aizpute Region . Applicants will have to hand in a CV letter, letter of motivation, approval of the English language knowledge and IT skills.
Project results will be disseminated with the help of school’s website, articles in magazines and newspapers, video shortages in the local news. Additionally to the mentioned points, with the help of meetings of pedagogical sessions, parent meetings and district pedagogical conferences the results of the project will be disseminated.
The moto of the Project is: to listen to, to watch, to make notes,to analyse, to consider, to evaluate, to try to repeat, to integrate in Aizpute secondary school.