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Dance Dance Dance / Summerschool
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Mooss will organise an eight-day summer school in August 2015 in cooperation with the Finnish partner jotain odottamatonta ry. 30 young people and 5 supervisors will be invited to enter an intensive exchange of ideas, thoughts and experiences about the active role of young people in dance education. The summer school is a is a sequel of the conference 'Dance Education Revisited' which took place 9-14 February 2015 during the Crocus Festival in Hasselt. Seven organisations from different countries; Mooss (Belgium), IDOCDE (Austria), Elim Sende Association (Turkey), Zodiac (Finland), Imaginate (Scotland), Central Finland Regional Dance Center (Finland) and Passerelle (Belgium), took part in a week of exchanging knowledge and experience concerning several themes: the challenges of dance education, skills of dance educational staff and qualitative methods of dance education. During the summer school the theory of the international conference is put into practice. The summerschool is built on three pillars: For the first pillar the exchange of experiences and knowledge with respect to themselves, the other, cultures and vision of contemporary dance is the aim. The second pillar is the training itself. Actively experiencing and learning is the foremost aim. This is done through various forms of learning i.e. non-formal learning, intercultural learning, peer learning. We focus not on technique, but we want to set in motion the creative process with little material. We experiment with new methods and assignments during workshops and projects. The third pillar is based on the active participation of the young participants, both during the preparation and during the summer school itself as with the post-processing. The coordinating organisation (Mooss) and its partner organisation (Jotain odottamatonta ry) have developed a unique process within their own organisations in terms of dance education and youth work. They educate children and young people in terms of dance education and they developed a compelling look at youth work. During this summer school they bring in their extensive network and they will thoroughly study - from their own artistic individuality and practice - the active role of young people in dance education. They engage in the search for innovative methodical approaches for dance education. Each organisation delegates 15 participants and 2/3 supervisors with a diversity of backgrounds and experiences. During the summer school, they will be challenged to examine their own active role in dance education. The programme is closely aligned with the three pillars. Various getting-to-know each other games and assignments are planned to get to know each other (‘s culture) and vision on contemporary dance. These are supplemented by workshops organised by Mooss and jotain odottamatonta ry and by a visit to a performance at the festival Theater aan Zee. There are also many workshops in which the young participants play an active role. They will work towards a ‘show moment’ that they will present to a wider audience through international media. Each partner organisation is actively taking responsibility for the international promotion of the summer school through various methods. This summer school is organised in close collaboration with the Kunstencentrum STUK (Arts Centre) (Leuven), which will become the ultimate home for dance in Flanders from next season onwards. Other partners are OPEK (Leuven) and the festival Theater aan Zee (Ostend). This summer school is the ultimate pilot project to encourage international partners to work on dance education at the level of young people. Several follow-up projects and collaborations are secured in the long term and with a major international and European dissemination.
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1 Partners Participants