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Daha Fazla İlgi, Daha Az Problem
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jul 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project called 'The More Attention, The Less Problem' focuses on the aim of easing disadvantaged students' adaptation to the school and society on behalf of developing counselling percept in education. For this purpose, observation activities will be carried out. The teachers working in our school will visit partner institutions from different countries for 14 days and observe the approaches of that country towards the disadvantaged students and activities done to bring them in society. We have three partners from three countries including Italy, Croatia and Romania. One of these institutions is technical high school and the others are NGOs. Thirty teachers will attend the mobilities within the scope of the project. Ten teachers will attend each mobility. The participants include school principal, assistant principal, counsellor teacher and teachers of other branches. This takes an important place in the project since all teachers who communicate with students will have experience in this topic. The activities that will be realised will be planned by hosting institutions. Each partner will prepare a 14-day course program for the applicant institution. These are the activities: - Introducing the applicant and partner institutions - Introducing the project - Visit to psycology department - Visit to other institutions - Various activity introduction and practice by hosting institutions - Presentation and practice of approaches and methods about social integration of disadvantaged students - Presentation and practice of innovative education approaches and methods - Workshops and seminars. At the end of these activities, participants will have had experience and competence about approaches towards disadvantaged students and their social integration. However, the fact that all teacher who communicate students will have experience and competence will reflect on school atmosphere and students positively. This will contribute on increasing students' academical success. The students who get high quality counselling will reflect this on their lessons. An another matter is avoiding early drop outs. Positive impacts that will occur at the end of the project activities will gain favor in this matter, too. As a result of activities, a decrease in early drop outs is expected. As a newly set institution, all these results take a very important place for our school to develop and update itself for a better education.
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3 Partners Participants