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D.E.L.T.A. -Digital Europe: Learning, Teaching, AssessmentFormazione all'estero per gli Animatori Digitali
Start date: Jul 4, 2016, End date: Nov 3, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Aim of the project is to promote innovation and to improve the school and training system in the Liguria region by taking advantage of the opportunity given by the European and international confrontation through the exchange of cultural and operational models which are intended to be spread for the promotion of a sustainable, inclusive, smart growth as indicated by the Europe 2020 Strategy.Focus is Digital Inclusion & Digital Citizenship "D.E.L.T.A. - Digital Europe: Learning, Teaching, Assessment" a training course in Europe for "Digital Animators", new figures provided by the National Digital School.The Plan is designed to encourage the full development of the process of digitization of schools through the digital animator, a teacher identified on the basis of existing legislation within each educational institution.Objectives of the project:- enrich the knowledge of AD on the implementation of the integration DIGITAL / Areas of education in Europe;- provide the opportunity to build a portfolio of innovative European digital learning practices to be make available to school networks teachers’;- lead the CEO to compare, compare application models used in other European countries- orient AD to build in a shared way usable and replicable covering curricular path- start AD to mature skills to facilitate the realization of innovative ways of teaching about digital citizenship, with special attention to areas: Rights of the Network - Media education and on line social dynamics - quality, integrity and information flow .Proponent: USR Liguria + Consortium 25/30 schools (Institutes of the first and second degree), distributed in four provinces in Liguria.Participants: 30/35 (school directors and teachers)Activities: job-shadowing, structured coursesPartnership: Germany, Malta, France,Finland, Greece, RomaniaImpact: growth of the degree of internationalization and of digital capacibility
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