Search for European Projects

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

D-CONSTRUCTING EUROPE is a national meeting for young people with ages understood between 18-30 years, and experts and responsible actors in the field of the local employment policies of youth, national and European level. The aim is to value the reflection and the political dimension of the human being through activities that promote the creativity and the critical spirit. To offer a space for debate, consultation, the participation activates and the information about polocies matters relative and topics related to the youth and the European Union. Following these ideas, the priority topics we have chosen are: youth, youth unemployment and European awareness. We detail the specific aims in the annexe document, together with the activities and the methodology, which will be in active and very participative. The activity will take 5 days at Reajo del Roble of Navacerrada, Madrid.
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