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d Area Networks - Establishment and Management of Corridors, Networks and Cooperation (PANet 2010)
Start date: Mar 31, 2006, End date: Mar 30, 2008 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The countries and regions involved in PANet 2010 strongly emphasise the efficient implementation of European and international requirements with regard to protected areas (Natura 2000, Ramsar, biogenetic reserves, etc.). However, there is an evident lack of knowledge and experience in managing protected areas (PAs) beyond their boundaries. The project will support the empowerment of the regions and public bodies involved. Effective management of PAs is important in order to secure the functions of the sites for conservation and sustainable regional development. Enhancing different projects focusing on the management of individual PA areas, the PANet 2010 project emphasises the management of networks of protected areas and certified regions. The project plans to theoretically prepare, and implement, a "network of experience" in order to improve positive regional economic effects, communication and participation processes ("co-operative management"), the financial situation and conservation issues by creating synergies between the individual protected areas. The basis for that is a toolbox from the INTERREG 3B project IPAM which the PANet 2010 project continues in many aspects. Therefore, the project focuses on European issues (Natura 2000, rural development strategies, ESDP) and international obligations (Ramsar, the Biodiversity Convention). The project will be carried out by nine institutions from six countries with a wide range of practical as well as theoretical and administrative experience. Expected Results: In the long run the projects objectives are the establishment of protected areas as components of integrated and sustainable spatial development strategies, which are specifically in accordance with the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP). Furthermore, the regions and authorities involved should be empowered regarding the management of protected area networks (PANs). In particular the effectiveness of this management should be increased and the awareness concerning the importance of PANs should be raised. International and European conservation conventions and directives should be supported by using synergies of corridors, buffer zones and networks. Moreover, the impact and effectiveness of individual PAs should be improved. Among others, the projects concrete aims are the following: - Improvement of the know-how regarding spatial development of networks and corridors, financial and economic management of PANs, involvement, participation and communication in PANs, - Online knowledge database, - Manual on Planning, managing and evaluating networks and systems of protected areas, - An analysis of international standards, obligations and initiatives, - A set of pilot actions in different regions.

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  • 49.7%   790 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Cadses
  • Project on KEEP Platform

8 Partners Participants