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Cześć Europa! Hallo Europa!
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the project “Czesc Europa! Hallo Europa!” 3 concrete mobilities have taken place with concrete aims according to the profile of the participants but with a common objective that is the improvement of the quality of the vocational training in our school so that it could offer better opportunities of accessing to the labor market for our students. The Project has lasted 12 months and it was designed in collaboration with 2 centres of vocational training: Zespol Szkol Technicznych im. Hipolita Cegielskiego in Poland and Vitalis in Germany. Both of them provide an ample experience managing mobility programs in Europe. MOBILITY OF JOB-SHADOWING: a group of 5 people formed by 2 teachers of Vocational Training medium level and 3 of Basic Vocational Training had the opportunity of visiting and seeing, first hand, the successful experience of Dual Training which takes place in Germany. They visited training centers, having the chance of interviewing people in charge of education management and they also visited companies which work with this kind of educational system. The stay went on for 6 days. This mobility has let us know an experience which will make easier the establishment of this dual system in our school: knowing the communication systems school-company, analyzing the possibilities of adapting the training to the needs of the companies, checking the teaching methods in use and seeing the successful results of this system. MOBILITY OF INTERNSHIP IN A VOCATIONAL CENTRE. During 2 weeks a group of 6 students of Basic Vocational Training in Vehicle Mechanics and Manufacture and Assembly participated in a vocational program in one of the garages of our partner “Vitalis” in Germany. Our students successfully developed the tasks to get their goal: making a vehicle. Being under age students with personal, familiar and social characteristics which situate them inside a risk group, we decided 2 teachers-tutors accompanied them, although only the accompaniment of one of them was financed by the program. As it was expected this European Program made an impact on our students (it favored their personal and educational progress, it increased their autonomy and self-confidence). From the educational and professional point of view, the mobility has complemented the technical training and the acquisition of a great level of specialization on the part of our students. We also highlight the improvement and the interest in languages (linguistic competences) and European cultures (they had never had the chance of travelling even inside their region. Before mobility they were unable to point out Germany in a map). This mobility was a challenge for us although we have achieved the goals successfully. MOBILITY OF INTERNSHIP IN COMPANIES. 6 students of Vocational Training medium level participated in it: 3 students of Technician in Vehicle Electro mechanics and other 3 of Telecommunications. The students spent their internship in Polish companies that were selected by Zespol Szkol Technicznych im. Hipolita Cegielskiego, our partner in Poland. The stay lasted 30 days and between 120 and 150 hours of internship were recognized in the Module of FCT. This European experience gives an added value to the training of our students because thanks to this they have improved their levels of professional competence, completing the training received in our school. They have also improved their employability to labor insertion, they have increased their linguistic competences having an approach and learning, through a course and by immersion, the Polish language. Their level of maturity and personal autonomy has also been increased, as their level of interpersonal abilities, abilities to solve problems, capacity of adaptation and to work in groups, knowing another European culture as the Polish one. With this experience the doors of the European Labor Market remind opened. Salesiano Cristo Sacerdote School from Huelva designed a plan of assessment for the results all along the Project. Additionally, the resulted spreading strategies that were established beforehand were developed to broadcast the impact of the project to be perceived by the greatest number of people and social agents to let the sustainability of the project result long-term.
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