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Czech-Portugal study visit
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is the common intension of the Czech and the Portuguese organizations which implements non-formal education. The leisure time centre Decko Nachod from the Czech Republic and Rota Jovem from Cascais in Portugal are the guarantees of this project. The inspiration we got from the project of job shadowing which is taking place at the moment in Rota Jovem in Portugal. The participant is the youth worker from Decko Nachod and we got inspired by his joining Rota Jovem team. We agreed on a deeper cooperation of both organizations and open that possibility to the higher number of workers from both countries. The content of the project is a study visit of the group of czech youth workers in portuguese organizations dealing with non-formal education of youth. The guarantee Decko Nachod will invite to join the project youth workers from two Czech similar organizations (the leisure time center Ivančice and the leisure time centre Luzanky Brno). It increases the possibility of dissemination of results of the project. Totally there will be 21 workers – 7 from Decko Nachod, 7 from Ivančice and 7 from Brno. The Czech youth workers will meet similarly big group of youth workers from Porutgal which will be coordinated by Rota Jovem and will be including also workers from two other cooperating organizations with Rota Jovem. The main aim is the mutual learning and inspiration between Czech and Portuguese youth workers. The study visit will fullfil the motivation and inspiration for the next youth work of all involved organizations. The project makes possible the experience exchange, a good practise and possible inovation according to the practical use in the home enviroment. There will be enough space for getting know the hinterland of hosting organizations and the offer of their activities and methods of work. The participants will have enough opportunities to compare working conditions working organizations – conditions given by founder, multisources financing, human resources, human policy and organization management. Used methods: observing, questionnaring, nebchmarking, team cooperation, disscusion, aktive listening and evaluation by using method Karusel. The next objektive is netting long-term international networking, increasing self-confidence in communication in foreign langure, support of interest in european politics and living, increasing potenciál of involved organizations in international networking. The added value of the project will be mapping organization´s offer and also possibilities to create international networking. Portuguese partners will get the idea of work of Czech organization and the Czech organizations will learn about Portuguese organizations. As a output we will use the list of contacts, comments and topics with which organizations work and are interested to cooperate. There will be impact on longterm concepts of Czech partners. The long term bendit is in wide international networking between Czech and Portuguese which work in the frame of nonformal education what leads to creating new mobility projects.
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1 Partners Participants