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Cycle Assessment Procedure for Eco-Materials (CAPEM)
Start date: Dec 31, 2007, End date: Sep 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the CAP’EM project is to contribute to increase the manufacture. distribution and use of eco-materials in the building industry of North West Europe (NWE). by allowing better demonstration of their benefits. The definition of "eco-materials" is directly linked to eco-designed materials which lead to improve economic and technical performance as well as environmental and health impacts. Through an international investigation. made by Ernst & Young for Cd2e in 2006 to identify why eco-materials were more developed in Northern Countries. and what were in these countries the barriers and the ways to create. develop and promote their specific markets. it appeared that different characteristics and approaches were used. Each approach has interests or specific regional / national characteristics. developing these products and ways of use them will gain from being benchmarked and more commonly promoted and tested through identical ways. Since eco-materials are widely recognized in many others major sectors of production as electronics. the use of eco-materials terminology to verify low environmental impacts is not well developed in the building sector in Europe. CAP'EM project will begin working on the dissemination of a common definition for eco-material. shared by the major actors involved in eco and low energy building sector in NWE. both for new and renovation buildings.The project will capitalize on those materials presumed as "eco-materials" available in the areas covered by the partners involved in the project ; these materials will be analysed through a common methodology which will allow assessment of their real impacts. In order to foster their business in NWE construction public and private building sector. broad information and demonstration of the performances of the most relevant eco-materials will then be achieved. Achievements: The CAPEM project (Cycle Assessment Procedure for Eco-Materials) draws on the expertise of 11 partner organisations to improve the production, distribution and use of eco-materials. Eco-construction materials provide an effective and lasting solution to the environmental issues facing the construction sector. However, it can often be difficult to define exactly what constitutes an eco-material as they seldom have recognised industry certification, making any comparison of their performance with traditional building materials problematic. CAPEM has developed a robust evaluation process for identifying and defining eco-materials based on common terms of reference and criteria, resulting in a solid knowledge-base for manufacturers, and supporting the lasting integration of eco-materials into mainstream construction products.The project is making a substantial contribution to helping the eco-materials market to flourish in North-West Europe. It has developed a network of 500 high-growth companies in Kent (UK) and more than 4 000 in South East England as a whole, providing one-to-one services to 250 SMEs manufacturing and engineering eco-sustainable materials, and creating 400 new jobs.
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  • 50%   4 546 261,85
  • 2007 - 2013 North West Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants