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CyberTraining - A Research-based Training Manual On Cyberbullying

Cyber bullying is a new form of school bullying that involves the use ofelectronic devices such as e-mail, instant messaging, chat rooms,mobiles, or other forms of information technology. In contrast to otherforms of bullying, it reaches a far wider audience at rapid speed,transcending boundaries of time, and physical and personal space. Thefindings to date suggest that a significant number of pupils, around 25%,are directly involved in cyberbullying. Although some research exists inthe partner countries in many countries the number of studies that focuson cyber bullying is small; many are still exploratory. Though first countrywideinitiatives have been launched in some countries, in the majority ofEuropean countries initiatives are still few. Apart from sporadic smallerprojects or single web sites, there are hardly any coordinated activitiestargeting the cyberbullying problem. Currently there is a lack of wellgroundedinformation on the problem, resulting in overstrain forprofessionals trying to provide adequate support. The CyberTrainingproject aims at providing a well-grounded, research-based trainingmanual on cyberbullying for trainers. The training manual will includebackground information on cyberbullying, its nature and extent in Europe,current projects, initiatives and approaches tackling the cyberbullyingproblem, best practice Europe-wide as well as practical guidance andresources for trainers working with the target groups of pupils, parents,teachers and schools. The manual will be practice- oriented and aims toprepare trainers for work with different target groups. It will be availableonline as a user-friendly eBook in English, German, Spanish andPortuguese versions. The development of the training manual will buildon a multi-level research process that starts with an initial analysis oftrainers’ needs and preferences in terms of a training manual as well as amulti-level qualitative questioning process that aims at structuringexperts` views on the cyberbullying problem. In national researchprocesses the partners will deepen these insights and findings throughtarget oriented research activities. Outcomes will be summarised innational and trans-national reports that form the basis for thedevelopment of the training manual.
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5 Partners Participants