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Cyberbullying, let's talk!
Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Cyberbullying, let's talk!" sponsored by the city of Vermiglio, has a duration of six months, it will involve 11 organizations (public and private) in 7 European countries and neighboring countries (Armenia, Georgia, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Hungary and Italy). It will develop in two actions; a first action that will involve all the realities in a study visit, which will involve a total of 22 Youth Worker, and a second action which will involve four boys aged 16 to 22 years plus one accompanying person for each country for a total of 35 participants in Youth exchange in Trentino Alto Adige. The project stems from the need to disclose important information about the use of new technologies, and above all the use that they make of the digital natives. The educational use of new technologies and the sharing of personal data is an extremely topical: the new generations have very powerful tools to use on a daily basis and they do not know the real potential and risks. At the same time even their families, in most situations, are aware of it and as well are missing in most cases the technological knowledge in order to limit the potential harmful effects. The project aims to increase the knowledge and ability to protect young when using the Internet and in particular social networks, including through the existing mobile technologies that make today's network access always available The cyber bullying is defined by the European Commission as a "repeated verbal or psychological harassment carried out by an individual or a group against another. It can take many forms and the spread of smartphones has given bullies new ways and opportunities to abuse their victims." It is believed that the comparison between different European and non-European realities, can help increase the quality of non-formal education programs for youth activities and the ability to design, improving the effectiveness of the interventions proposed by optimizing the use of funds and available staff. With regard to Action 1 (study visit) it is believed that the participants will accrue greater skills and knowledge with respect to: -European realities and issues related to new technologies; -Increased ability to manage access to Internet within youth centers; - Greater expertise in developing training programs to provide useful tools to prevent cyberbullying and threats from the Internet and anonymity that guarantees; -Methodologies and communication strategies more effective in reaching young people, engage them and gather their suggestions and needs; -Increased capacity to verify the usefulness of the projects from the point of view of the development of soft skills useful in approaching new technologies; -Possibility of networking of different experiences to collaborate and compete in the future In the same time you will have the opportunity to: -test cultural stereotypes and form an idea more real and concrete of different European realities. With regard to Action 2 (Youth Exchange) it is believed that at the end of the project the participants will be better able to use the new technologies, in a safe way and in the respect of the rights of other. They will understand the risks related to the spread of photos and video on the network and related issues.This will make them citizens more alert and able to judge media messages that promote a rapid and thoughtful use of the new tools of socialization at their disposal. The practical activities and research will take place in groups, of homogeneous culture, during the preparation stages and of heterogeneous culture during the week to meet common. The age of the participants was designed to allow them to communicate as much as possible in a peer group. A national and European level, we believe that bringing together groups of young people reflecting on the tools of socialization in distance will stimulate the creation of informal groups, or at least encourage the use of such resources for the exchange of ideas, projects and opportunities on a European scale.The constant presence of the technological resources of communication and sharing of their own and other people's private lives, forces us to think in an active way locally, nationally and internationally on issues related to the violation of privacy and the use of these resources for the purposes of threat, violence or persecution; especially towards the younger and even by a part of the population who for personal reasons is not yet in full possession of moral and ethical ability to define the limits within which it is permissible to use the new technologies to disseminate their material private and others.
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