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CURSOS Y VISITAS ESTRUCTURADAS para futuras movilidades e intercambios de docentes y alumnos.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The IES A Sangriña, located in the seaside town of A Guardia (Galicia), has been developing for several years an intense activity in the framework of European educational projects. This cooperation with other institutions of the EU is mainly concerned to allow the educational community to overcome problems such as school dropout and youth unemployment as well as the obstacles imposed by their peripheral location. In this sense, the creation of a European consciousness, through a steady stream of teachers and students from other partner schools as well as the teaching of other languages has been one of the main objectives of the high school. In most directly related to the subject matter of the project, it has to be said that the school is located in an area with a long music tradition, not just by the characteristics, but for the existence of ensembles and music schools in the sorroundings. The fact that the center is located quite away from cities and cultural life, as well as the difficult times we are going through, with a crisis hitting culture and artistic subjects especially hard, makes us consider as a great opportunity this project. A big challenge to recycle and explore,learn and share experiences, opening up opportunities for students and teachers to become involved in the field of a European awareness. Participants have been involved for many years performing these activities and have extensive experience taking part and collaborating in cultural events, exchanges, workshops and concerts, both at the School and also in different locations from the area peripherals. As a result, this project has as main objective the observation of new methodologies in teaching, training programs and job shadowing through the CLIL, (Content and language integrate learning). Another point will be the researching in other curriculums, teaching new organizations, and of course the constant improvement of bilingual programs taught in English of the material itself . The knowledge of another unique culture and linkages, translated into future experiences such as exchanges with other schools in Ireland will also be a key element in the approach to this project. Regardless of this, all activities, curses and experiences will enrich the formation of the entire educational community as a whole and shall provide the institution of a genuine European dimension. Benefits in the short and medium term will be obvious and will serve as a basis for the future of the institution.Another thing will be to complete and provide many more variables for the students to learn and train. The location of the School, in an Atlantic and Celtic environment and its heritage and roots, similar in some respects to the Irish culture is another factor that favors the creation of future links with institutions of the country. Finally and most obvious is the component of improving language skills.The benefits about the project to develop where English is practiced exquisite richness, with universal artistic and cultural traditions in areas such as history, literature, music etc. open-minded spirit in tradition as well as innovation. To sum up, benefits would be many and varied and will represent a powerful tool in the training of all the education community not only in learning and knowledge, but also for individual empowerment and social development to achieve a fully integrated European network.
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1 Partners Participants