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Curriculumentwicklung zum Thema "Europäische Wege in die Nachhaltigkeit"
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In this project the teachers want to get to know the current state of discussion as well as concepts of lessons on the subject "Ways to Sustainability" in the participating European partner countries by means of job shadowing, expert talks and visiting "best-practice" organizations. The teachers want to discuss the topic with their partners in order to find new ideas for the planning of their own lessons. That means that the topic sustainability can be seen from the European perspective and new multidisciplinary approaches can be found. Guided tours of companies help to find out to what extent sustainability has been developed by commercial enterprises in the participating European countries. The aim of the project is the development of a multidisciplinary European assignment with bilingual parts, which promotes the students' sense of responsibility as well as their competitiveness and sustainability. Another aim of the project is to continue developing the students' transversal skills (language competences, digital skills) and to support students on their way to a sustainable behaviour in private as well as professional life. Additionally the teachers want to get to know what ways and concepts of sustainability are already used in the organisation and administration of the European partner institutions. They would like to learn to what extent digital media, digital teaching aids, digital school administration are used in order to get ideas for the development of sustainability at their own school. Seven mobilities with teachers are planned. The teachers are experienced in teaching sustainability and they are prepared to exchange ideas and information on the various aspects of the subject. The project should promote the sustainability of Friedrich-List-Berufskolleg and its position as "Umweltschule". Furthermore the project is the continuation of the European project work that has been done by the school for more than 20 years.
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