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Curriculum development and increasing professional competence
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project Curriculum development and increasing professional competence is based on the staff competencies required in a bilingual and internationally oriented school, and also on current needs in curriculum development due to the renewal of national and local curriculums by the year 2016. Therefore the objectives of the project are twofold: professional development (language skills, use of ICT, pedagogy, CLIL teaching, multicultural student support) and on the other hand tools and ideas for the school's curriculum development (internationalism, new pedagogy, ICT inclusion, course syllabi, assessment). We are involving six teachers in the project directly. Three of these are new teachers with one year of teaching experience in the school; three are more experienced teachers that are more directly involved in the development of the school in their subject groups, and the pedagogical and development teams. The new teachers are to participate in 5-12 day courses in English specific to their subjects (mathematics, physics, special education) and/or CLIL methodology. The more experienced teachers will be placed in relevant schools for job shadowing where they can observe the management of the school, curriculum development, international activities, pedagogy and methodology, student assessment, usage of new technologies, daily school life, and their specific interest areas (media skills and language skills, developing and sharing experiences in health education and home economics, active student participation in international projects). We also hope to gain new international partners for future European cooperation between schools, teachers, and students. The project is coordinated by the school's international coordinator who plans and arranges the activities together with the participants with the approval and support of the principals. The results gained by the participants in the activities will be evaluated by and shared with the specific subject groups, the pedagogical, and the development teams in the school. The skills and knowledge gained will be shared by the participants within the school with colleagues but also outside the school with other teachers through personal, local, and national networks of teachers and schools. The results of the activities linked with curriculum development will be systematically shared and used within the school in the building of new curriculums and outside within the private schools network Yksityiskoulujen Liitto ry. We plan for the project to have long term benefits as positive contributions to our new curriculums and teaching methodology, strengthening the staff's commitment and enthusiasm for international cooperation and language education, and building a professional and competent teaching staff for our specific needs.
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