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Cultures On The Road 2015
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Cultures on the road 2015" is a youth exchange promoted by the Municipality of Cinisello Balsamo in collaboration with Drums for Peace network. The project aims at the participation and the inclusion of the youngsters in a international enivronment, in which they can come into contact with different cultures and realities, activating virtous and collaborative processes. "Cultures on the road 2015" motivates the acquisition of a greater awareness of using artist forms and expressive languages as tools to value cultural and natural patrimony and to imagine new forms of them. Biodiversity, interpreted in a wide sense (food, environment..), will be the main topic during the week: besides a theoretical reflection about the safeguard of the variety of life, the subject will be a spark to participate to some environmental paths, organized by Legambiente. The background and needs that inspired the project arose from the city of Cinisello Balsamo: there are already many activities related to biodiversity and to environmental development through positive experiences. The Exchange aims to get this tendence and to carry on the reflection through innovative methods and involving a target group that usually doesn’t have a voice in this matter. "Cultures on the road 2015" will last 7 working days from the 20th to the 27th October 2015 and it will be hosted in a Legambiente’s venue, close by the Maremma’s Natural Park, in Grosseto. 50 participants (from Finland, Latvia, Romania, Portugal, Italy), with their groupleaders (8pt+2gl) will join in 4 differtent workshops (such as dance, theatre, stomp, circus), run by international artists. Themes and ideas will be creatively translated in an artistic performance, that will be shown in Grosseto.

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