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CULTURE PRO. Creative path of development.
Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Culture is a driver and enabler of human development with a stress put on its increasing role in producing new creative ideas or technologies. In particular it supports workplace skill development, while the pleasure of arts promotes the acquisition of skills.Culture and art strongly reflect business relations and professional life, being a source of many crucial competences and skills needed in working environment. Art and culture are brilliant educational instrument, enabling to find different perspective of development and giving added value to educational process. Moreover both play strong role in enhancing diversity and social inclusion uniting individuals, opening ones’ horizons and building positive attitudes toward others.This is crucial in development of managers, in particular those experienced, who need to develop competences and skills currently most expected by employers, such as: interpersonal and social competences, creativity, openness, flexibility, problem solving, out-of-the-box thinking, equality-oriented approach, tolerance and respect for differences (building diverse working environment and promoting equal treatment). At the same time absolutely basic and necessary in conditions of complexity of management processes are: sensibility, mindfulness and cognitive processes – both aesthetic and intuitive, ability of acting through experience, analysing, creation and reflection – humanistic approach, which broaden one’s horizon and bring a better balance. All can be reached through art and culture.All this puts an emphasis on the need of new approach in development of managers based on the linkage of art and culture with competence development. Therefore CULTURE PRO project aims to enrich the educational offer by elaboration, tests and dissemination of innovative, comprehensive programme of development the competences of managers through art and culture (incl. use of ICT) within 3 countries by the 30.06.2019. Direct aim reflects further objectives which are:• to develop competences and skills of managers;• to enhance a humanistic approach in management (sensibility, mindfulness and cognitive processes, ability of acting through experience, creation and reflection)• to enhance diversity and equal treatment in a workplace by developing managers’ inclusive approach and open attitudes towards differences;• to raise the awareness of positive influence of art and culture on management manner and work in general.Project is expected to last 34 months, is undertaken by 3 partners from 3 countries: Poland, Austria and Hungary specialized in area of competence development and culture. Projects results with complex learning through art and culture educational programme assisted with supporting tools such as on-line educational tool and publications. The program is based on new approach of learning through art and culture. Training cycle forsees of 2 different types:Workshops basing on learning through art and culture approach, with following topics foreseen: a. Culture and business cooperation b. Theatre workshop c. Art and culture in enhancing diversity in a workplace.d. Meeting with art: painting and postere. Meeting with design f. Photo workshop g. Design thinking 3-day strongly interactive workshops strengthening the capacity of creative acting in work. During these workshops participants are expected to work out, prepare and realize CSR project in area of generally defined art. They are also expected to involve public or private environment.Training will be complemented by: EDU- TOOL. Virtual space providing knowledge and developing skills according to idea of “just-in-time” learning and social learning. It gives free access to all needed learning materials as supportive to main educational process (both before and after classes). PUBLICATIONS aimed to: show experience gained during the project, present project success, disseminate and promote the results, inform how to use educational programme elaborated and tested within a project and what are the advantages, provide practical knowledge on inclusive role of art and culture, on learning through art and culture advantages and to promote positive attitude towards art and culture and its use in managers’ workplace.Publications are complementary to educational programme and edu-tool which used together provide tangible support for institution interested in realizing the programme or implementing it into their offer. Project is directly addressed to managers. Indirectly will influence: companies, in particular HR departments, public and private institutions of culture and promoting culture, public and private educational institutions operating in lifelong learning and new methods if education, NGO’s, business environment institutions, local authorities, institutions of labour market or culture etc. and individual professionals operating on a market, as well as advisory and/or training companies.
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