Cultural Vehicles in Education - assisting the nee..
Cultural Vehicles in Education - assisting the needs of vulnerable social groups
The project is a piloting initiative focused on developing alternative learning methodsand tools in adult intercultural education and exploring the interconnections of educationand culture. The main goal of the project is to work out a new arts-based teachingmethodology addressing special needs of vulnerable social groups (including learnerswith mental illnesses, learners with motor-skills disabilities, migrants and seniorcitizens). A special emphasis is placed on creating and testing mobilising mechanismsto increase the level of participation in lifelong learning of disadvantaged and reluctantlearners. The CVE project offers support and new training opportunities for teachers andeducators working with vulnerable social groups by using artistic and creative means inintercultural education. The project explores the supplementary roles of education andculture, aiming at supporting integration of vulnerable groups into society.Activities will include: pilot workshops followed by the testing process; training provisionfor AE educators from across Europe (two courses); an international conference onCVE methodology; a paper-based publication in six European languagesimproving the quality and accessibility of adult education (a practical guide for AEeducators); a project website to reach a wider virtual community of AE teachers. Theproject partners envisage concrete actions: networking in their areas, participation ininternational conferences and seminars, further development of the CVE methodologyand resources.
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