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Cultural Crossroads
Start date: May 26, 2014,

CULTURAL CROSSROADS is multilateral youth exchange that will take place in Bitola from 26th of July to 3th of August 2014 and will include young people (18–25) from Macedonia, Turkey, Romania, Georgia, Italy and Serbia (6 participants per country). The aim of this project is to bring together young unemployed people with different cultural and social backgrounds in order to promote mutual understanding by allowing them to discover new cultures and traditions and to encourage their active participation in society. This will be done through customs, traditional crafts, music and dance, connecting them with their cultural heritage and identity which will help them to adapt existing models or create new ‘learning spaces’ that will allow them to interconnect creativity and entrepreneurship. Objectives:- To foster mutual understanding and cooperation between young people from different cultures and differently developed local areas;- То stimulate unemployed young people's mobility and active participation in society.- То stimulate young people’s spirit of initiative, creativity and entrepreneurship.- To support the cultural diversity in different local and national realities;- To develop a sense of belonging to the common European idea and EU citizenship. - To raise awareness about possibilities of transforming cultural tradition and heritage into self- employmentThis exchange will support creative craft processes and help them not to be instinct in the Digital era. Crafts are not just a hobby, they can be a profession. We can use this fact to encourage creative thinking about craft entrepreneurship as one of the alternative ways for self-employment.Youth Cultural Center - Bitola have hosting role within the Youth Exchange project.
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