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Start date: Dec 19, 2016, End date: Dec 18, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The CUENCA PLUS III, which aims to provide citizens of our city, Cuenca, the impulse to strengthen and develop the economic fabric and business competitiveness of the municipality, is presented through quality training among urban youth to enable them to gain future employment.There have been several reasons that led the City Council of Cuenca to promote this initiative which encourages the development of the city through training their young people. On the one hand, this project is given continuity to the mobility projects that have been developed over the years from this institution. Thanks to these previous projects, a positive development has been seen in the profile of young people of the city who may now aspire to a wider range of possibilities in the labour market or to establish the foundations for future personal and professional projects.Also, as explained in the previous project (CUENCA PLUS II), with this proposal the City Council intends to continue its efforts to alleviate the growth rate of emigration that is experienced in the town since the crisis began, due to the worrying situation of unemployment in the the city. From the data handled by the institution itself, the City Council considers quality training of young people as the key to combating the deficiency of foundation in the education system, school drop out and lack of expertise of young people. Additionally we must add the lack of employment policies and existing widespread discontent in the town.The City Council has proposed new collaboration at 3 local institutions that participated last year and has also invited another institution for the creation of a Consortium that allows them to continue the work that began in 2014. The Consortium is formed by the City Council of Cuenca, Pedro Mercedes School, San José School, the CEOE-CEPYME Cuenca and Alfonso VIII School to collaborate in the development of CUENCA PLUS III project.This project is aimed at 15 young Vocational Education Trainees who are following their final year or are undertaking a course of training for employment leading to a Certificate of Competence. The training placements will be for 3 months and will take place between July and September 2017. The countries that will host future participants will be UK, Italy and France.Participants will receive language training before their departure through the online course OLS that Erasmus + Program will make available. Before departure, participants will also receive a socio-professional and cultural training organised by the team of the Consortium.The results that this project will provide are:- To consolidate practical training that strengthens the knowledge acquired by young people.- To promote the improvement of the teaching-learning relationship and academic training.- Professional specialisation.- Promoting language proficiency with the aim of achieving bilingualism.- Promoting the autonomy and responsibility of young people.- To understand how an EU company operates promoting the entrepreneurial spirit.- To promote intercultural education as a basis for quality European training.- To improve social skills of young people.- To promote mutual understanding of academic training in the different EU countries.- To develop values such as solidarity, tolerance and respect amongst young people.- To promote recognition of their studies.- To promote the multiplier effect of mobility experiences.- To encourage the economic development of the city through better preparation of their young people.The expected impact associated with this project: - Increased competitiveness at local, regional, national, European and / or international levels; - The flow of the economy, knowledge and ideas; - Increased collaboration and cooperation between institutions and businesses at international level; - A social and cultural impact which will create more tolerant citizens.The expected long-term benefits are: - Improving the quality of candidates for jobs; - Expanding frontiers in the search for work; - Generation of new skills; - New approaches to work.
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